Meet the Pastor
Dr. Robert Cooper is the founding pastor of Berean Baptist Family Fellowship (2002). Pastor Cooper has a B.A. from Pomona College, a Master’s degree from Brandies University, a Ph.D. from UCLA and attended Channel Island Bible College and Seminary. He has a heart for people and embodies what it means to be a shepherd. With love and compassion, he delivers every message with biblical accuracy and understanding. Pastor Cooper looks forward to the Day of Christ’s return, but until then he is content in shepherding the flock that God has given him at Berean Baptist. Dr. Cooper is married to his wife Paulette of 28 years and they have two children; Nia-Renee (Scripps College ’18) a graduate student at Keck Graduate Institute in Claremont and Courtney-Nicole, a ninth-grader at the UCLA Geffen Academy.
Dr. Robert Cooper
I am so pleased to have this opportunity to share my labor of love and service for the Lord with you here on our web site. After many years of thoughtful prayer and seeking the will of the Lord in my life, I surrendered to the call to the ministry in 2002. God placed a desire and passion in my heart to be in partnership with him in his work in the Santa Clarita Valley through the ministry at Berean Baptist Family Fellowship.
Berean is a bible teaching, bible-believing church that is Christ Centered and Family Focused. It is my privilege to be the Pastor. As the shepherd over this “flock” it is my personal desire to see each member have a true worship experience, belong to something greater than themselves, grow in life and serve others. My love for God and love for people makes me want to make sure that every member, visitor and guest feels comfortable and at home in our services and at our activities. As the Word is taught, like a shepherd making sure the sheep are fed, I want to make sure that you grow in your walk with God. Ultimately, I want to see that we all find a place of service – to God, to each other, to our community, to our world.
Like the believers in the early church in Acts 2:41-47, I am trusting God to supernaturally build a fellowship of believers who seek to fulfill the mission He’s given us: to spread our knowledge and enjoyment of God’s grace through Jesus Christ to all people for His glory! According to Acts 2:41-7, the early church achieved this goal by maintaining five basic principles: 1) Feasting on God’s grace in WORSHIP, 2) Training one another in God’s grace through DISCIPLESHIP, 3) Depending on God’s grace as it is revealed in one another through FELLOWSHIP, 4) Serving up God’s grace to others through MINISTRY, and 5) Inviting others to join our feast on God’s grace through OUTREACH.
The Word of God takes the front seat at Berean. The preaching is designed to be, not only interesting, but also convicting. My approach is that the Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without error in the original texts, and is the supreme authority for Christian faith and living.
I and all speakers invited to our church, never correct or project doubt about the accuracy and preservation of our Bible. It is preached from a literal standpoint and always with the goal of presenting Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection as being the gospel. I believe it is His work at Calvary that gives opportunity to those receiving Him as the Savior to be saved for all eternity. I teach grace coupled with God’s demand that we must be born-again through repentance and receiving Jesus Christ.
I would be privileged to have you worship with us! Won’t you join with me in this great work of God? It would be a personal joy to my wife and me if we could meet you and encourage you to know and deepen your relationship with Christ. May the Lord increase your knowledge and enjoyment of His grace in Jesus today!
By His Grace and for His glory,
Dr. Robert Cooper
Join us at our next service.